The Embodied Media Project at Keio University Graduate School of Media Design aims to create future media technologies that record, share, enhance, and even create the kind of experiences that we have through our bodies. Haptics, VR, Telexistence & Enchanted Things — By studying embodied informatics in human interaction, we design embodied experiences that entertain, enchant, and empower us.
慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパス協生館、日本科学未来館研究棟 Cyber Living Lab、東京ポートシティ竹芝 Cybernetic being Lab、の3つの拠点で研究活動を行なっています。
We operate at multiple satellite laboratories spanning from Yokohama to Tokyo. Our facilities include fully equipped hardware workshops with laser cutters, 3D printers, machine shop power tools, and soldering stations. Each of our labs acts as a hub for every step of the creative process from ideation, to fabrication, prototyping, and action research. These locations include the Hiyoshi Campus Collaboration Complex, the Miraikan National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, and the Tokyo Port City Takeshiba Office Tower.
Hiyoshi Collaboration Complex
Cyber Living Lab - Miraikan
Cybernetic Being Lab - Tokyo Port City Takeshiba Office Tower
Porous Haptics
Can haptic sensations be a new means for communication?
Physionetic Interactions
What kinds of behavior can we induce using our physiological data?
Liminal Expressions
Where do we draw the line between our own experiences, and shared ones?
Cybernetic Bodies
What happens when we augment our skills and bodies?
Positive Deviance
Instead of correcting differences what can we learn from them?