Alumni - Masters
Masters Graduates & Thesis Title
2022 Spring
Xuan Li
黎 暄
"There's something else to be shared": Exploring How to Convey Performative Somatic Information to the Audience Using Haptic in Conversation with Dance
2022 Spring
Takumi Ikeda
池田 匠
Phantom Walls : Spatial Perception and Navigation Method through Sensory Substitution Using Auditory
Phantom Walls:聴覚刺激を用いた感覚代行による空間知覚手法の提案
2022 Spring
Aoi Uyama
宇山 葵
“Somatic Music” : a New Framework for Augmenting Music Experience by Embodying the Performer’s Musicality
Somatic Music : 演奏者の内観を鑑賞者に伝える音楽鑑賞環境のデザイン
2022 Spring
Haruka Onoda
斧田 悠
Transcale : Embodiment Transition toward Multi-Scale Exploration
2022 Spring
Ruoxin Cui
崔 若昕
FoodMorph: A Virtual Gateway to Enhanced Eating Balance through Cross-Modal Integration
2022 Spring
Shun Hachisu
蜂須 瞬
Proposal for a Real-Time VR Space Generation System Reflecting the Topic of Conversation Using
2022 Spring
Kai Mashiko
益子 開
Designing Perspective Switching Humor Experiences to Relieve Empathic Embarrassment
2022 Spring
Masatoshi Matsubara
松原 雅敏
Transformed Skin : Designing a Sense of Physical Transformation into an Avatar Based on the Illusion of Skin Texture Swapping
Transformed Skin:皮膚質感の交換錯覚に基づくアバターへの身体変容感のデザイン
2022 Spring
Mio Morimoro
守本 実央
PULStoNE : Designing Co-Creative Communication through Music in Special Needs Schools
PULStoNE : 特別支援学校における音楽を通じた共創的コミュニケーションのデザイン
2022 Spring
Junnosuke Yamamoto
山本 絢之介
Haptic Interaction System for Outdoor MR Spaces
2022 Fall
Dominika Sara Worek
“Sidekick” : an AR Companion for Emotional Well-Being
2022 Fall
Ivana Chaloska
Understated Haptics : Physicalization of Tactile Memories through a Co-Creative Practice between Human and Nonhuman
2022 Fall
Berend TE Linde
The Creator and Their Creature : Re-Imagining the Role of the User in the Behavioural Development to Create a Stronger Sense of Animacy
2022 Fall
Jack Brophy
SentioScape : Facilitating Effective Cross-Cultural Communication through Emotional Mixed Reality
2022 Fall
Songchen Zhou
周 嵩晨
Enhancing Social and Physical Interaction of People with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Using Extra Robotic Arms
2022 Fall
Kezhou Yang
杨 可舟
Co-Play with Double Self : Exploring Bodily-Self through Heautoscopy-Based Hide and Seek
2021 Spring
Hiroe Chishima
千嶋 広恵
Designing "YORIMICHI Haptic" to Create a Well-Being Walking Experience
Well-Beingな歩行体験を作る "YORIMICHI Haptic"のデザイン
2021 Spring
Hiromasa Ogawa
小川 泰正
Resonant Dance : Inducing Dance with Haptic Presentation of Rhythmic Sensation and Shared Movement
Resonant Dance : 触覚を用いたリズム感提示と動作共有によるダンスの誘発
2021 Spring
Nao Ou
王 七音
Designing Experience Eliciting a Representation with Embodiment through Whole-Body Stimulation
2021 Spring
Hiromi Nishiura
西浦 弘美
Study on Sensory-Relieving Effects of Tactile Narratives
2021 Fall
Kiho Lee
PawSense: Sharing Rescue Dog's Physiological States to Encourage Adoption
2021 Fall
Yaokun Wu
吴 耀焜
Own Diffusion: A Design Pipeline Using Design Generative AI While Preserving Sense of Ownership
2021 Fall
Keh Fei Wong
黃 恪非
AI Supported Haptic Design Process
2021 Fall
Lucas Ogasawara de Oliveira
小笠原 デ オリヴェイラ ルーカス
Relational Bodies in Media Design: Exploring Embodiment and Social-Awareness Beyond Interactive Oppressive Paradigms
2021 Fall
Yijie Sun
孙 一杰
Project Chujing: The Use of Tactile Models in Non-visual Games
2021 Fall
Peng Danyang
彭 丹陽
asmVR : Multimodal ASMR Triggers in Virtual Reality for Mental Well-Being
2021 Fall
Zhou Lu
陸 洲
MotionPerformer : an Ungrounded Haptic Device for Enhancing Self-Motion Perception in Virtual Space
2021 Fall
Yixin Wang
王 逸心
It's Me: VR-Based Experience as a Self-Referential Practice to Boost Self-Reflection Ability
2020 Spring
Yutong Xie
解 裕彤
Exospine: Wearable Spine Using Artificial Muscle for Posture Adjustment
2020 Spring
Di Qi
斉 迪
Furekit: A Wearable Tactile Music Toolkit for Children with Autism
2020 Spring
Keyu Wang
王 科宇
Experience Design of Social Interaction by Cooperative Performance Bench in Semi Public Space
2020 Spring
Ziyue Wang
王 子越
Developing Player's Sense of Agency by Physiological Sensor in Game-Play: Design Approaches of Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment
2020 Fall
Hao Liu
Connecting Spectator with Competitive Game Player by Involving Viblotactile Messaging
2020 Fall
Heyongyan He
赫赫 顒琰
Project Corvus: A Virtual Reality Horror Tool for Improving Self-Efficacy
2020 Fall
Akane Stephanie Ueno
上野 茜 ステファニー
Aerie: A Multi-sensory Affective Urban Furniture for Enhancing Social Connectedness in Outdoor Urban Spaces
2020 Fall
Ana Simona Alipass Fernandez
Virtual Journalist: Measuring and Inducing Curltural Empathy by Visualizing Empathic Perspective
2020 Fall
Zihan Lu
RhythmSleep: A Smart Thermal Blanket for Sleep Quality Improvement
2020 Fall
Shunyi Yang
杨 顺仪
SpiceWare: Simulating Spice Using Thermally Adjustable Cutlery to Bridge Cultural Gaps
2020 Fall
Skierś Kinga
Transcendental Avatar: Experiencing Bioresponsive Avatar of the Self for Improved Cognition
2019 Spring
Di Li
李 迪
Haptic Music Generation Based on EEG Analysis
2019 Spring
Kento Matsuda
松田 健人
Real-Space Horror Experience by Presenting Ambiguous Presence Sensation
2019 Spring
Taku Tanichi
谷地 卓
Digital Skin That Extends Human Embodied Interaction in Real Space and Digital Space
2019 Spring
Daisuke Takeuchi
竹内 大裕
Study on Tactile Sharing to Proceed Prosocial Behavior Using Behavioral Economics Approach
2019 Spring
Futa Asada
浅田 風太
Design of Online Stage Environment to Connect the Embodiment between Performer and Audience
2019 Spring
Toshitaka Shimizu
清水 淑貴
Creating an Interface Using Shadows for Flexible Living Space Control
2019 Spring
Fuko Yamamura
山村 風子
Comado : Communication Media for Ambient Connection between Family Members in Distance Locations
Comado : 遠隔地に住む家族間に緩やかな繋がりを創出するコミュニケーションメディアのデザイン
2019 Spring
Reiya Horii
堀井 玲耶
Communi-gate : A Visual Speech Facilitator to Enhance Empathic Communication in Cross-Lingual Online Discussion
2019 Fall
Chu Yen Ly
Expressive Skin : An Extended Prosthesis That Reflects Content from the Virtual World onto the User's Original Body
2019 Fall
Rahul Mehta
Vibrain : A Haptic Entrainment Based Wearable Relaxation Device
2019 Fall
Yan He
贺 堰
Frisson Waves : Sharing Frisson to Create Collective Empathetic Experiences for Music Performances
2019 Fall
Ragnar Thomsen
Virtually Augmented Multipresence Robots: Remote Play to Facilitate Ambient Co-presence
2019 Fall
Ximing Shen
沈 襲明
Dementia Eyes : Understanding Dementia through Augmented Reality
2019 Fall
Weihan Huang
黄 维涵
ARMixer : Live Stage Monitor Mixing through Gestural Interaction in Augmented Reality
2019 Fall
Anish Kundu
Physiologically Responsive Storytelling in Video Games
2019 Fall
Yulan JU
鞠 玉蘭
Haptic Empathy : Embodying Emotions for Children with Autism
2019 Fall
Mark Armstrong
Bridged Reality : A Toolkit for Live Holographic Point Cloud Data Interaction
2018 Spring
Taichi Furukawa
古川 泰地
Synesthesia Wear : Full-Body Haptic Interface for Sensory Expansion
Synesthesia Wear : 感覚を拡張する全身触覚インターフェイス
2018 Spring
Junichi Nabeshima
鍋島 純一
Arque : Artificial Biomimicry-Inspired Tail for Extending Innate Body Functions
Arque : 平衡感覚を補綴する拡張身体としての尾
2018 Spring
Moe Sugawa
須川 萌
Boiling Mind : Explore for Stage Production That Creates A Loop of Bodily Sensations between Dancers and Audiences
Boiling Mind : ダンサーと鑑賞者との身体感覚のループを生み出す舞台演出の探求
2018 Spring
Kenichiro Shirota
代田 兼一郎
Design of Altered Cognition with Reshaped Bodies
2018 Spring
Kazutoshi Shimokawa
下川 和俊
Proposal of Soft Interface for Simultaneous Operation of IoT Devices
2018 Spring
Koji Shimizu
清水 光二
Design of Flow-Method for Running
2018 Spring
Makoto Ujyu
鵜重 誠
Magnetouch : Mid-Air Tactile Display by Attaching Permanent Magnets to the Body
Magnetouch : 身体への永久磁石貼り付けによる空中触覚ディスプレイ
2018 Spring
Nanase Asada
浅田 七星
Design of Engineering Kit to Motivate Girls
2018 Spring
Haruka Aoki
青木 悠
Research on Representation Method for VR Journalism
VR Journalismにおける表現手法の研究
2018 Spring
Daisuke Yamamoto
山本 大介
Design for Assisting Method of Emotional Homeostasis with Ambient Medium in Everyday Space
2018 Spring
Kurumi Nagasako
Practical Research toward Preventing the Secondary Disordors through Co-Creation of Manga with the Community of People with Developmental Disability
2018 Fall
Marcelo P. Padovani
Light Choreographies: Giving Performative Expression to Moving Lights
2018 Fall
Shu Fu
傅 菽
Designing Professional-Driving Atmosphere: A Dynamic Acoustic Setting with Implicit Interactions
2018 Fall
Landi Zhao
趙 瀾迪
Collective Memory Immersion: Increasing Intimacy among Elderly People with Immersive Memory Sharing Experience
2018 Fall
Edward C. Wu
Tactile Body-Globe: Using Body as Spatial Globe Interface for Vibrotactile Display of Temporal Data
2018 Fall
Chia-Hsin Chen
陳 佳欣
Labeling: Reflecting Gender Bias in Human-Machine Relationship through an Critical Design Concept
2018 Fall
Charalampos Krekoukiotis
Spatial Animacy : Interactive Spatial User Interface by Mechanically Actuated, Kinetic Origami Surface
2018 Fall
Shuang Hao
郝 爽
Cybergait: Redesigning Human Gait Pattern by Intervening Human Sensorimotor System with Electrical Stimulation
2018 Fall
Grant Biberdorf
Exploring 3D Printed Materialities : "Leather" and Creating its Unique Physical Properties
2017 Spring
Sayaka Yamauchi
山内 沙也果
What are you seeing? what will you do. : Exploring Human Consciousness Change by Information Presented by Machines through Work Creation
What are you seeing? What will you do. 作品制作を通した機械が提示する情報による人間の意識変容の探究
2017 Spring
Tomohisa Hirano
平野 智久
Synchronized Running : Running Support System for Guide Runners by Haptic Sharing in Blind Marathon
Synchronized Running : 触覚共有によるブラインドマラソンの伴走支援
2017 Spring
Taichi Hamabe
浜辺 大智
Pop Dance Assist Using Electric Muscle Stimulation
2017 Spring
Kaito Hatakeyama
畠山 海人
Musiarm : Co-Creation of Musical Instruments with Prosthetic Hand Users
2017 Spring
Haruki Nakamura
中村 開
Haptic Encoding and Transmission System for Sharing Tactile Experiences over the Internet
2017 Fall
Qingyun Lan
藍 卿云
Planting Memories: Relationship Changes with Raised Plants through Physical Expression
2017 Fall
Yurike Marchellina Chandra
KAN.KA: Evaluating Across-Body Vibrotactile Patterns for the Design of Affective Furniture
2017 Fall
Xu Mengyi
徐 萌艺
Design of a Table Tennis Partner for Self-training Evaluation
2017 Fall
Feier Cao
曹 菲儿
Skin+: Modular Programmable Skin
2017 Fall
Chiahsuan Hu
胡 珈瑄
Human Time Perception under Alternative Lighting System
2016 Spring
Satoshi Matsuzono
松園 敏志
HaptI/O : Physical Node for the Internet of Haptics
Hapt I/O: IP伝送技術を用いた触覚伝送ノードの開発
2016 Spring
Wei Peng
彭 煒
Exploring Thermal Perception on Body Extremities
2016 Spring
Aria Shimbo
眞保 ありあ
Design of a New Eating Experience by Presenting Chewing Sensation Using Haptic Sensation
2016 Spring
TongHui Shao
邵 トウ暉
The Influence of Motion Sensation by Visual Effect Accompanying Body Movement
2016 Spring
Reiko Shimizu
清水 麗子
Redesigning the Space for Changing Body Habits with a Wireless Spatial Haptics Interface
2016 Spring
Sachiko Otani
大谷 祥子
Beauty Counseling Design Based on the Feel of the Skin
2016 Spring
Shota Sugimoto
杉本 将太
Proposal of Multi-Telexistence Live Broadcast with Space Transition
2016 Spring
Takaki Murakami
村上 崇樹
Wearable Haptic Display Based on the Theory of Haptic Primary Color
2016 Spring
Koki Yamamoto
山本 康喜
UX Design Inducing Pre-School Children's Exploratory Activity
2016 Spring
Haruto Murata
村田 遥人
Design for Embodied Sound to Change Behavior
2016 Spring
Yutaka Tsunoda
角田 侑大華
Cheer on Support Method of Spectators in Blind Football
2016 Fall
Youssef Bonzarte
Synchrovibes : Interactive Music Experience to Create Social Bonds and Promote Collaboration through Movement Synchronization
2016 Fall
Tanner Person
Flow Zone : Inducing Flow to Improve Subjective Well-Being by Creating a Cross-Modal Music Creation Experience in Virtual Reality
2015 Spring
Kazuya Yanagihara
柳原 一也
Paragon : Design of Skill Acquisition Media Using Mirror Metaphor
2015 Spring
Hazuki Miyazaki
宮崎 葉月
Music Composition Based on ASMR to Influence the Human Body
2015 Spring
Tomosuke Maeda
前田 智祐
Wearable Haptic Augmentation System Based on Skin Vibration
2015 Spring
Tomoya Sasaki
佐々木 智也
Embodied Manipulation of Augmented Arms Based on Body Image Metamorphosis
2015 Spring
Yukari Konishi
小西 由香理
Synesthesia Suit : Full-Body Immersive Haptic Suit
Synesthesia Suit:VR体験を拡張する全身触感スーツ
2015 Spring
Daiya Kato
加藤 大弥
Design of Information Embodiment Technology Using Haptic for Everyday Interaction
2015 Spring
Mai Orikasa
折笠 舞
Design of Sports Creation Communities Based on Co-Creation
2015 Spring
Hirohiko Hayakawa
早川 裕彦
Design of Flight Telexistence System for Immersive Aerial Sports
2015 Spring
Hirokazu Tanaka
田中 博和
Digital Painting System that Displays Haptic Feedback of Watercolor Painting
2015 Spring
Toshiya Tabata
田端 俊也
Solense : Designing Safer Walking Experience for Visually Impaired People Using Shoes Which Augment the Sense of Soles
2015 Fall
Lichao Shen
沈 力超
Limitless Oculus: Visual Expansion by Animal-Inspired Modification to Visuomotor Mechanism
2015 Fall
Zikun Chen
陳 紫コン
FEEL IT:A Thermally Enhanced Environmental Perception System in VR
2015 Fall
Yuan-Ling Feng
冯 元凌
3D Printed Haptics: Creating Pneumatic Haptic Display Based on 3D Printed Airbags
2015 Fall
ShaoAn Tsai
蔡 少安
Reinvent Steering Wheel an Examination on Automobile Steering Interface and Renovation Proposition for Vehicle Cockpit Ergonomics
2014 Spring
Mio Yamamoto
山本 澪
Dramagic : Sound Animation Design for Enchanted Things
Dramagic: サウンドアニメーションに基づく子供のための机のデザイン
2014 Spring
Qian Meng
孟 倩
The Kawaii Performance by Touch in "Kawaii Haptics" Study
2014 Spring
Marie-Stephanie Iekura
家倉 マリーステファニー
Designing New Sports Watching Media for a Sense of Unity between Athlete and Spectators through Haptics
2014 Fall
Feng Liang
梁 楓
Research on Embodiment of Urban Landscape Based on Human Heartbeat Information
2013 Spring
MHD Yamen Saraiji
Virtual Embodied Telexistance: Telecommunication using Sensory Feedback and Virtual Body Representation
2013 Spring
Karin Iwasaki
岩崎 花梨
Embodied Interaction for Artwork Appreciation
2013 Fall
Marta Wojcikowska
Video Based Therpy Method for Acrophobia Self-Treatment
2012 Spring
Saki Uchida
内田 早紀
Full-Duplex Communication of Full-Parallax Auto-Stereoscopic 3D Images for Collaborative Work between Remote Locations
2012 Spring
Yuta Ueda
上田 雄太
Multi-User 3D Visuo-Haptic Display with Tangible Interface
2012 Spring
Yeuneu Chang
張 衍義
Embodied Appreciation of Cultural Properties through Virtual Reality Technology
2012 Spring
Kenta Watashima
渡島 健太
Choreohaptics: a Wearable Haptic Transmission System for Supporting the Choreographic Creation
Choreohaptics : 身体表現の創発支援を目的としたウェアラブルな触覚伝送システムの提案
2012 Spring
Yusuke Mizushina
水品 友佑
Sharing Sports Experience Based on the Synchronized Representational of Haptic Sensation with Body Motion
2012 Fall
Chaiwat Meetanatharvorn
Layered Information Overlay on Telexistence using Augmented Reality Techniques
2011 Spring
Kyo Hirota
廣多 馨
Ubiquitous Telexistence Using Widely-Distributed Robots
2011 Spring
Yuta Takeuchi
竹内 祐太
Study on Creation and Sharing of Tactile Content
2010 Spring
Yuki Imamura
今村 有希
HAPMAP : Haptic Walking Navigation System with Support by the Sense of Handrail
2010 Spring
Keitaro Shimizu
清水 啓太郎
Research for Multiview Autostereoscopic Display Connecting Virtual Space and Real Space
2010 Spring
Tadatoshi Kurogi
黒木 帝聡
RhinoAR : a Support System Using AR Technology for Making Mock-ups
2010 Spring
Ryuko Mori
毛利 瑠子
Study on Haptic Design Toolkit