Alumni - Masters
Masters Graduates & Thesis Title
2012 Spring
Saki Uchida
内田 早紀
Full-Duplex Communication of Full-Parallax Auto-Stereoscopic 3D Images for Collaborative Work between Remote Locations
2012 Spring
Yuta Ueda
上田 雄太
Multi-User 3D Visuo-Haptic Display with Tangible Interface
2012 Spring
Yeuneu Chang
張 衍義
Embodied Appreciation of Cultural Properties through Virtual Reality Technology
2012 Spring
Kenta Watashima
渡島 健太
Choreohaptics: a Wearable Haptic Transmission System for Supporting the Choreographic Creation
Choreohaptics : 身体表現の創発支援を目的としたウェアラブルな触覚伝送システムの提案
2012 Spring
Yusuke Mizushina
水品 友佑
Sharing Sports Experience Based on the Synchronized Representational of Haptic Sensation with Body Motion