Alumni - Masters
Masters Graduates & Thesis Title
2016 Spring
Satoshi Matsuzono
松園 敏志
HaptI/O : Physical Node for the Internet of Haptics
Hapt I/O: IP伝送技術を用いた触覚伝送ノードの開発
2016 Spring
Wei Peng
彭 煒
Exploring Thermal Perception on Body Extremities
2016 Spring
Aria Shimbo
眞保 ありあ
Design of a New Eating Experience by Presenting Chewing Sensation Using Haptic Sensation
2016 Spring
TongHui Shao
邵 トウ暉
The Influence of Motion Sensation by Visual Effect Accompanying Body Movement
2016 Spring
Reiko Shimizu
清水 麗子
Redesigning the Space for Changing Body Habits with a Wireless Spatial Haptics Interface
2016 Spring
Sachiko Otani
大谷 祥子
Beauty Counseling Design Based on the Feel of the Skin
2016 Spring
Shota Sugimoto
杉本 将太
Proposal of Multi-Telexistence Live Broadcast with Space Transition
2016 Spring
Takaki Murakami
村上 崇樹
Wearable Haptic Display Based on the Theory of Haptic Primary Color
2016 Spring
Koki Yamamoto
山本 康喜
UX Design Inducing Pre-School Children's Exploratory Activity
2016 Spring
Haruto Murata
村田 遥人
Design for Embodied Sound to Change Behavior
2016 Spring
Yutaka Tsunoda
角田 侑大華
Cheer on Support Method of Spectators in Blind Football