Alumni - Masters
Masters Graduates & Thesis Title
2021 Spring
Hiroe Chishima
千嶋 広恵
Designing "YORIMICHI Haptic" to Create a Well-Being Walking Experience
Well-Beingな歩行体験を作る "YORIMICHI Haptic"のデザイン
2021 Spring
Hiromasa Ogawa
小川 泰正
Resonant Dance : Inducing Dance with Haptic Presentation of Rhythmic Sensation and Shared Movement
Resonant Dance : 触覚を用いたリズム感提示と動作共有によるダンスの誘発
2021 Spring
Nao Ou
王 七音
Designing Experience Eliciting a Representation with Embodiment through Whole-Body Stimulation
2021 Spring
Hiromi Nishiura
西浦 弘美
Study on Sensory-Relieving Effects of Tactile Narratives