"HaptoMIRAGE" is a multi-usered wide-angle aerial autostereoscopic display for Mixed reality. Seemless interaction with real and virtual spaces such as aerial 3D skeching and commucation with 3DCG characters in real environment can be achived.
"HaptoMIRAGE" is a multi-usered wide-angle aerial autostereoscopic display for Mixed reality. Seemless interaction with real and virtual spaces such as aerial 3D skeching and commucation with 3DCG characters in real environment can be achived.
Yuta Ueda 上田 雄太
Tadatoshi Kurogi 黒木帝聡
Hirokazu Tanaka 田中 博和
Yusuke Mizushina 水品 友佑
Mina Shibasaki 柴崎 美奈
Hideaki Nii 新居 英明
Kouta Minamizawa 南澤 孝太
Susumu Tachi 舘 暲
SIGGRPAH 2014 Emerging Technologies in Vancouver
日本科学未来館メディアラボ第14期展示「まず!ふれてみよ - テニトルセカイ ツナグミライ -」